
Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I hate resolutions. hate them. I hate that the moment Christmas day comes to a close Costco goes from sampling torte and peppermint bark to Veggie straws and apple juice. not to mention the aisles lined with vitamins, dietary supplements, and weight loss pills that make you feel like a total looser for just eating healthy and exercising. So needless to say I don't make new years resolutions. I believe that if there is something you would like to change in your life you can start today, or tomorrow, or even months from now, and if you don't really have your mind set on it then it''s not going to happen, you won't change what you wanted to. Instead I make a list of things i would like to happen in the upcoming year, things to look forward to. If you want to put lose fifty pounds on your list of resolutions how about starting smaller. the big goals are the hard part, but they're a lot easier to get to when you set small ones.
for me, i'm just excited for all that is going to change in 2013. i'm about to enter an entirely different stage of life and if that isn't exciting i don't know what is. 
Sarah Smith's 2013:
Deciding on a college!
Family trip to NYC with the cousins.
Turning eighteen.
Sending friends off on missions.
Graduating High School.
Final Summer as a Kid.
Going to College. 
Going home for thanksgiving and Christmas.
successfully finishing my first semester in college.
It is going to be a beyond huge year for me, and i'm excited, scared, and kind of want to pee my pants. there is a lot to look forward to but there is also a lot to work towards and that is the best part. 
note how not getting married halfway through freshman year did not make the list. in spite of my families jokes about marriage, making it to 2014 single is no guarantee. like i said, welcome to the year of so many changes. but seriously, i'm not getting married halfway through freshman year.
Here is to 2013, kids.
Sarah Smith.

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