
Thursday, February 14, 2013

A world you no longer belong to.

Valentines day has a way of making everyone who doesn't have a significant other bitter. To that I say nay.
Being single on valentines day is the same as being single any other day.
If I don't hate being single on the thirteenth of February, who says I have to be on the fourteenth?
No one, that's who.
Here's the deal, it's not valentines day I hate, it's heart week.

Monday we had a pep fest to get everyone all school spirity and stuff. I opted out of attending said pep fest and ate sandwiches with my mother instead. it's a lot cooler than it sounds, okay?
enough with the rambling.
my school spirit is at approximately a negative six.
I wake up.
Go to seminary.
Go to school.
Go home.
I no longer belong to this world of children that think the most important things include singing valentines and making out in the hallway. I'm ready to grow up and graduate and have responsibilities that are greater than making my bed in the morning.
This is freshman floor, kids:
I thought i'd walk across it just for fun.
anyway, it's kind of stinky that there are still four months of school left. i'm really just done. senior slide times seven.
I hope your day of hearts was lovely.


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