
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Because i might possibly be going crazy.

lately i have decided that i get bored pretty much really easy...not that you didn't know that already or anything but still. My week has pretty much gone like this: school, stay up too late doing homework, get four hours of sleep one night, then two the next. yep basically that's my life. well that and of course obsessing over the latest Jonas stories. the latest? Are Kevin and Danielle Jonas expecting their first child? Though they have only been married a little over two months rumors from close family sources are sprouting up saying that Dani is preggers. personally i hope she is because little jonases would be uber cute. people say that it would break up the band if she was but would you quit your job when you had a baby? then Joe tweets meet Riley Jonas...child of kevin and dani...yeah that's their new puppy but maybe there was a hidden message behind it? i'm not so sure but for now me and julia will continue to sepculate, continue to wonder. then there is the pictures...and maybe we're just going crazy and if that is the case then be it. i'm gonna go now...let me know what you think!

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