
Sunday, May 9, 2010

yeah it's so important i had to post the link as the title! aaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! and they're back!~ the Jonas Brothers just relased their new single L.A. baby this past friday but it hasn't been on Youtube until yesterday. i'l in love with it. it's like the old jonas is back with a much more mature vibe. you can definitely feel the influence of two mature jonas and then nick all collaborating together to make something way more than wonderful. i can't even wait for their concert this september...gosh i better get to learning these words! every night before i fall asleep i lie in bed and imagine what it will be like. even though i've been to a concert before all i can think about is how much my boys have changed since last July. i mean joe's hair alone is just proof so much has changed. then there is the fact that know kevin is married and all. and then joe and demi are dating and they're touring together. it's crazy! i'm listening to it right now and i'm falling in love all over again. take a listen and let me know what you think!

have a fabulous week!!!

see you soon!




  1. AHHHHHHHHHHH1 i'm from the facebook discussion boards and i lOOOVVEE your blog! it's the best ever! i've told all my friends about your blog!
    i love LA BABY! i hope they put it on itunes! keep up this!!

  2. i completely love LA BABY! it has become my theme song! everymorning i get on my itouch, get on youtube, and blare it as i get ready! i'm lovin this blog! some random girl on the discussion boards told us about it!

  3. ifonlyiwasmrsjonasMay 11, 2010 at 5:20 PM

    don't you wish they woulds actually release a new album soon though? i mean this is good and can hold us over but the fact that they're not planning on releasing a new album this summer makes me wanna cry! love this song though!

  4. joe is so sexyyy!!

  5. i l o v e your blog!
