
Sunday, July 18, 2010

yeahhhh this is the night this is the night. yeahhhhh feelin alive feeling alive

i don't know. it just seemed like a good blog title. today has been absoloutely fantastic. in fact my whole week has been great. it started out Wednesday night, when we made boats out of cardboard and duck tape at mutual and had to send one person in it across the lake, and back again. my group consisted of me, Bryn (who is absoloutely hilarious and completely crazy. her and clarkie have a very similar sense of humor) Becca (who i just got to know, and is just really sweet) Drew (drew and bryn are twins and she tells the greatest stories) and Clarkie. we all got there late but supprisingly enough we finished the boat on time. the lake wasn't very deep and as we got to the place we were going to race them an extremely grand idea hit the fabulous head of bryn balls-barker. i'm sure everyone thought we were crazy when we started yelling at clarkie and telling him to get the knife. the knife was really a box cutter that we had left where we built our boat. so about two seconds before the race was to begin bryn cut a hole in the bottom of our boat and when she got in the water she slid her legs out of the bottom, and walked the boat through the water. it totally looked like it was floating though, and so technically we should have won. hahaha i don't really know why i feel the need to mention this it's just that it is totally epic. and then there was this weekend. youth conference. i'm thinking that i like it here alot more now that i know people. and i had known some girls from stake girls camp already so i didn't feel too lost. it was great fun. the best part had to be the drive home last night. we were driving home from downtown mineapolis in a freaking thunderstorm and it was crazy. it was raining so hard you couldn't see the car infront or behind. so we quickly drove to the balls-barkers home and hid in their basement for two hours until the tornado and thunderstorm warinings ended. it was crazy fun. now everything is wet and there are branches everywhere which we will be picking up off of our acre and a half tomorow before we mow the lawn. oh joyyyy. i'm really happy right now which is good, i still don't feel like i live here and i'm not happy with the highschool i'm going to but i'm trying to have a good attitude on everything, not be a party pooper. it's kinda actually working! ooh to make things better the Jonas LA soundtrack comes out on T U E S DA Y i'll be doing all i can to make it number one! kk well i'm going to go and write my story or read a book or do like a sunday activity or whatever. so yeah.
love forever and always,
Sarah Leslie

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