this video my best friend Julia Larsen and a few of her friends made pretty much describes my past week. minus the mountains. and the sunshine. it rained all week and was completely exhausting. as always, by the end of camp i swear i'll never go back again. my twelve year olds kept my up late, depleted my ear plug supply, and hugged me more than a person should ever be hugged. but now that i'm home, i can't help but smile at a few of the good moments i had this past week. like, going to the bog with Bryn and Briana, enjoying the one day of fantastic sunshine on the lake with Erin, singing campfire songs, sitting next to Lorrie durring testimony meeting and getting to share my testimony with everyone. my friend tessa pointed out that girls camp really is a celebration of a full year here. after all, i had lived here for two days before i was shipped off to camp last year. after she pointed that out i couldn't help but love it just a little more. and i loved being a YCL. Briana, Me, Bryn, and our twenty lovely twelve year olds. headed to the bog.
so maybe i will go back next year, we shall see.
next on the summer adventures list?
i leave for the airport at five tomorrow morning.
hello Utah.
i've never been away from home for more than three weeks and i'll be in utah for four. plus, i've seen my family for lest than twenty four hours in the past two weeks. this is going to be interesting. i love summer. it's just flying by so fast. bummer. hey. that rhymed.
i'll try and keep you updated this next month. it's going to be CRAZY though.
here's to more summer adventures!
forever and always,
Sarah Leslie
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